onsdag, oktober 22, 2008

guldkorn i vardagen

Ibland kan småsaker bli väldigt stora events om det bara marknadsförs på rätt sätt. En väldigt liten uppoffring kan se ut som en stor välsignelse. Något knappt märkbart kan ändra ens uppfattning totalt. I mitt fall handlar det om "housing" här på skolan. Dvs de som har hand om allt som har med boende och det vardagliga livet på campus. Jag har väldigt dåliga erfarenheter av dem som översittare och trångsynta fascister. Japp, så illa är det, jag håller mig borta från allt som har med housing att göra.

Men när jag kan tjäna $2 så framstår housing som änglar. Idag får alla på campus tvätta och torktumla gratis. Weee, det är rusning till tvättstugorna runt om campus. En tvätt kostar $1.25 och 45 minuters torktumling kostar 75 cents. Housing bjuder. Dom är då enna riktiga kompisar.

Dagens webtips är http://www.laundryview.com/laundry_room.php?lr=302705 där man kan se statusen för våra tvättmaskiner och torktumlare live... observera att de aktiva maskinerna både är pedagogiskt olikfärgade OCH att de vibrerar i "live-view"-fönstret.

lördag, oktober 18, 2008


is not enough.

5.38 and I hereby declare that I officially  drop out, give up, fall by the wayside, drop by the wayside, throw in, throw in the towel, quit, chuck up the sponge or whatever you call it.

I'm old enough to put physical well-being before pride and stupidity. I will let Michael Phelps be better than me at something... besides swimming.

Joe is drunk off of food and has also dropped out. Patrick is battling himself but is officially still in the race.


6700 calories and for the first time I'm thinking that I may not make it. will take a break for a while, laying on the floor and can not move. literally.
Probably could've thrown up a couple of times already but i fought it back.

Who's ever idea this was should be publicly punished and dressed in barb wire.

This sucks. 

Random events since last time.

This post will be sporadic since my current physical state prevents me from compose coherent sentences.

McDonald's triple thick shakes are big. And I mean BIG!
Jersey Mikes makes ridiculously large subs. Ridiculous!

Daniel gave up
I broke 200 lbs (91 kg)
Patrick collapsed on the floor but was unable to reach fetal position.
Joe keeps food in his mouth for later.
Joe resorted to take his bread like pills along with water
We all broke the 6000 calorie limit.
Ferno and miranda are here to observe. (and make fun of us)

one o'clock report

I haven't moved from my chair since last time, except stepping on the scale which btw now tells me I'm one pound short of the big 200.

We're all in a good mood, there's still hope but that's mainly because our stomach's aren't writing this blog post. Only one of us have stated that he was about to die. Since last entry we've all been snacking nuts and doritoes. Doritoes are evil by the way. We might end up substitute them for something else.

In half an hour is lunch time. We're going to Jersey Mikes to knock down a Philly Cheese Steak each and top it of with a triple thick vanilla milk shake.

In regard to the puke-rule, which states that who ever hurles will have to start over in the calorie race unless the use-to-be-internal has to go back internal to keep your calories.  I will probably give up if I throw up... I will keep going until then though. Patrick's big mouth declared that he will consume his pukes if he is over 9000 calories. Joe's latest invention is a calorie-IV.

Daniel feels like he's having a baby.

Keep cheering, praying and/or texting.

noon food coma

For all my fiends back in Sweden, this blog post will be in english. I'm just fed up with the ambiguity caused by the absence of rings and dots.

Today is the day. The day we (Daniel, Patrick, Joe and I) decided to show Michael Phelps once and for all that we are all of the man that he is... and more. Our plan is to match his calorie intake, and beat it!

The day started off 6.45 am when we took off for the Meadows apartments where Daniel lives. our plan was to camp out in their gym, work out, eat and watch sports. The three others ventured on on a shot run on the treadmill, I found a cosy corner and went back to sleep.

Breakfast was three loaded breakfast burritos at Hardees. After 2/3 of one, they just stopped taste good. We all finished two of our three each before heading back. The last one were to be devoured back at Daniel's apartment. That plan failed for me. I substituted the last half of my third burrito (about 400 calories) for two pop tarts (210 calories each).

The time is just after noon now and my calorie count is about 2600 and my match weight has risen from 194 to 197.8 lbs.

To be continued